Pest Management

Pest Management



This policy is intended to provide general instructions and guidance across the company in regards to how Kelson Group expects to manage and mitigate the various issues relating to pest management. It is recognized and acknowledged that each pest occurrence is unique in its nature and scale and as such, front line employees and contractors have a certain amount of freedom to make decisions to ensure a quick and successful resolution.


For each city in which Kelson Group owns and operates residential buildings, there is an ongoing contract in place with a reputable, professional pest management company to treat common areas and/or designated suites on a monthly basis. Building managers will liaise with both the contractor and the affected residents to ensure professional treatment occurs as quickly as possible. 

All identified pest control concerns are to be investigated and responded to within a maximum of two business days. This does not mean that a resolution has to be completed within this time frame but it is expected that a plan to control the pest occurrence has been finalized and communicated to all parties involved.

As part of our ongoing employee training and education plan, Kelson Group will periodically conduct training sessions on effective pest management measures. This will be part of the agendas at the monthly building manager and maintenance meetings.


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